Harmony patrol

Harmony Patrol is a shoulder-slung bioacoustic equipment intended for use in forests and agricultural lands frequented by wildlife. Suitable also for those who are frequently exposed to the possibilities of wildlife attacks, for people who work in forests, trekkers, researchers and farmers. Harmony Patrol is an SOS device, to be dropped at the instance of a wildlife encounter, by pressing the red button on top. 

The device produces effective bioacoustic calls, and arrests the forward movement of wildlife, giving more time and chance for one to escape to safety. The full-range speakers give an effective range of 150m. 

Harmony Patrol comes with a battery backup of 4 hours (when played continuously) and a portable solar charging station. The device can be charged on the go, while one is trekking. 

Bioacoustic sounds arrest the movement of or elicit fleeting behaviour in wildlife like Elephants, Wild boars, Nilgai, Macaques, Sloth bears and Leopards. The effectiveness of the equipment is around 82-83%. 

Engage us at  +91-9487802211, or +91-8971439409

Harmony Patrol

2024 © Grus Ecosciences Pvt Ltd. Sound recordings used in Harmony Patrol are copyright protected.