airport services and products

Airport services and products

Get your airport studied for Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Hazard Assessment and Management as per ICAO Doc 9137 and DGCA guidelines. Rely on our rich experience in airport operations, highly readable reports, spreads and maps to assist you. 

Grasses contribute to 72% of bird strikes from insect-eating birds. Get the Grass studies done at your airport to represent the actual grass distribution, how they attract insectivorous birds and how to maintain grass height in different seasons. 

Disperse 67 species of Indian birds found in airports. Our bioacoustic products are researched and manufactured by us. Currently, more than 57 airports have our equipment Harmony M3 to ward off birds/animals.

Patrol version of Harmony M3 sits on the top of airport vehicles and acts as a mobile unit. Drive your vehicle to the bird flock to either attract or disperse them as you wish. 

Install Farrow’s Light Trap to deplete insect food of birds. Catch up to 100 kg of insects overnight and make your airport less attractive to birds. 

Hyper Urban Bird Management is an innovative method to deal with Pigeons and Kites in airports and apartment. They are miscible, maintenace free and cost effective. 

Install Farrow’s Light Trap to deplete insect food of birds. Catch up to 100 kg of insects overnight and make your airport less attractive to birds. 

Convert your Airport/Municipal Solid Waste into compost in 24 hours. Suitable for cities, airports and apartments. Black Soldier Flies fit in revenue sharing models with cities and airports. 


Get free BIRDTAMs for your airport cautioning for increased bird activity and how it affects your operations.