The Pole Pigeon

Have you been nagged by the persistent Black Kites sitting on the runway, taxi tracks and other paved surfaces at your Airport? Or a persistent flock on the approach path or take-off leg coinciding with the aircraft height? 

Grus offers an effigy of a Rock Pigeon mounted on a pole that can remove the Kites from the runway in an instant. The handheld gadget produces certain calls, imitates the Pigeon and invites Kites on itself. 

Kites follow the Pole Pigeon like a magnet and are escorted out of the airport in a few minutes. Use the Pole Pigeon to attract Seagulls, Choughs (high-altitude airbases) and House Crows and escort them away from the Runways. 

Use the Pole Pigeons to disperse the Rock Pigeons and Common Mynas from your airport. 

Call for details at +91-9487802211, or +91-8971439409