Harmony M3

Harmony M3 is the first indigenous and most suitable bioacoustic system produced for airports, in India. The system effectively disperses 67 species of Indian birds and 7 species of animals. Every Harmony M3 is customised to an airport to cater for birds that occur there, seasonal changes, and day/night. The equipment automatically senses seasons, day/night, and changes the calls accordingly. Randomisation of calls ensures birds do not get used to the system. Based on the comparative tests of different bioacoustic equipment in India, done by the Ornithology Cell of Indian Air Force, Air HQ, the system is effective on Indian birds/animals up to 66.5-82.5%.

The platform comes with a control unit, four full-range speakers, a solar panel and a power bank. One system covers about 28-40 acres depending on the ambient sound level at airports. The system is installed at the airport by technical experts of Grus, and is covered under 'one-year replacement guarantee protection'. 


(a) 12 V, 75 Ah power bank: battery backup for 26-30 hours

(b) Sound output from each speaker: 90-104dB

(c) Speakers: Four, each 4Ω

(d) Coverage: front of speaker 425m, back 80m (additional 50m with the wind)

(e) Solar Panel: 37 W, 12 V

(f) Frequency range: 80Hz to 20,000Hz 

Contact us at +91-9487802211, or +91-8971439409

Species coverage