Habitat Fragmenter

Habitat fragmenter is a unique and versatile concept in order to keep aquatic and walking/foraging birds away from critical operational areas like runways and taxi tracks of airports. It also doubles up as reflecting tape, deterring smaller birds. 

Put the Habitat Fragmenter on rainwater harvesting ponds, monsoon drains and other water accumulation areas to prevent aquatic birds from accessing them. The maintenance work is unhindered by the fragmenters. The fragmenter prevents 46 species of aquatic birds from accessing them.

Erect Habitat Fragmenters on selected areas on the shoulders of runways and taxi tracks where you do not desire ground-dwelling and walking birds from intruding. Birds are detoured and forced to crossover from non-problematic areas which do not hinder operations. Prevents 16 species of walking/ foraging birds from entering the runway. Habitat Fragmenters are frangible. 

Contact us at +91-9487802211, or +91-8971439409

Mylar ribbons versus Habitat fragmenter 

Mylar Ribbons

Birds perch on poles and wires causing an additional nuisance

Reflective tapes fade quickly

FOD hazard of torn ribbons

Looks untidy

The single role, non-versatile

Tapes are used by some birds to line up their nests 

Requires maintenance

Caters to small birds only

Habitat Fragmenter 

Does not let birds perch on it, except few tiny birds

High quality anodised aluminium frangible dangles with sheen

No FOD hazard

Looks neat and clean

Multiple and versatile roles

No such attraction

Long lasting and durable

Caters to entire range of walking, aquatic, migratory and small birds

Species coverage