Harmony M3 Patrol

Harmony M3 patrol is the only bioacoustic system in India that can be fitted onto vehicles in airports. Customised for every type of vehicle, airport functionaries find it easy to move around to reach birds and play calls as they wish. 

Patrol equipment lets the operator have control over what is to be played for target birds. Select from the three predetermined lists to disperse ground birds, flying birds, and animals. Effective in dispersing Lapwings, Rock Pigeons and Crows from the airport. The equipment is effective on 26 types of flying birds, five species of ground birds, and seven species of animals. 

The platform comes with a control unit, two full-range speakers, and a charging station (with solar panel and two power banks). One system covers about 7-12.5 acres depending on the ambient sound level at airports. The system is installed on airport vehicles by technical experts of Grus, and is covered under 'one-year replacement guarantee protection'. The device has field-friendly modes for ground birds, flying birds and animals. Use them as you encounter the birds of the flock in the airports. Kites and Crows could be attracted to vehicles so that they are ushered out of the airport. 


(a) 12 V, 26 Ah power bank: battery backup for 6-7 hours

(b) Sound output from each speaker: 90-104dB

(c) Speakers: Two, each 4

(d) Coverage: front of speaker 425m, back 80m (additional 50m with the wind)

(e) Solar Panel: 37 W, 12 V 

(f) Frequency range: 80Hz to 20,000Hz 

Contact us at +91-9487802211, or +91-8971439409

Species Coverage